Welcome pard'! Glad you could stop by. This here is the place to learn a touch more about my exploits in Cowboy Poetry. Poetic parlance and rhymsical recitin’ to make you smile, laugh, tear-up, & ponder. Not exactly Roy Rogers, The Duke, or Gunsmoke, but real experiences of the working cowboy brought to light. I tell the stories and lessons of cowboy life, horse and cow-losophy, wide open spaces, ornery characters, blue skies and starry nights, tragedy and triumph. “Compelling, poignant, passionate, surprising. Definitely surprising, I’d have never thought poetry, cowboy or otherwise, to be quite so alive. He took me along for the ride.” L. Foster, Remington House “His powerful and evocative delivery of his poetry is stellar! If you aren’t crying from one of his bitter-sweet poems you might be crying from laughing at one of the more whimsical ones.” Altus Activity Director, Rhonda James ‘Click’ LINK BELOW to listen to FIRST RIDE. “Hi yo Silver, away!" Not exactly. This is the ~almost~ true story of my First Ride. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0CyKe4kXzdcUUtaQlAwMlZrZ3M1RkpNWmllaDJ0SWJJVG9r "I've brought horses and cows into this world and I've taken a couple out. I've witnessed grand sunrises and slept under the stars. I've built fence, chased cows, enjoyed the company of fine animals and folks, rode the river, froze, sweated and been throwed. I've had more than my fair share of wrecks but count successes as equal learning lessons. I'm moved deeply by the land, animals and ethos of the cowboy lifestyle and I intend to hand it on for the benefit of those that don’t have the opportunity to experience it.” "Your presentation deserves compliments. If I was your coach or agent, not that you need one, I would be proud of you and tell you to keep on doin’ what yer doin’ and I’m sure glad we got to see you." Joe Jackson, audience member at the Cochise Cowboy Poetry & Music Gathering ‘Click’ LINK BELOW to listen to GOOD HAND. This poem is a narrative of the early October Atlas Storm, its’ seventy mile per hour wind gusts, four feet of snow and valiant attempts to save livestock. For my part, I was honored to be labeled a Good Hand. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0CyKe4kXzdcX09heFhmdFk5cU9XMUNoSjJOSkg2REgzU2pn |