
MARK is the 2024 INTERNATIONAL WESTERN MUSIC ASSOCIATION MALE POET OF THE YEAR,(a 2023, 2022, 2021,and 2019 Top-Five nominee); the 2018 NATIONAL COWBOY POETRY RODEO 'SILVER BUCKLE' CHAMPION (for 'serious poetry', runner-up for the 'humorous' category); 2017 NATIONAL COWBOY POETRY RODEO 'RISING STAR'CHAMPION; and 2017 inductee to the ADIRONDACK COWBOY HALL OF FAME. The ranch-man, descendant of horse-folk and cow-losopher performs his original Cowboy Poetry regularly and reveals "that in my heart, I knew I was meant to be a cowboy. An' while life situations didn't always allow the fate, along the bumpy trail, I made a hand, biddin' my skills with horses, cows, cowboys, cowgirls, and too many fences.”
Mark is an ardent preserver and promoter of cowboy and western culture in everyday actions as well as the Trail Boss of 'Cowboy Poetry' (12,500+ member Facebook Group) and current Board Director for the International Western Music Association, and President of the Western Wordsmiths Chapter. Mark captures and shares that which embodies the spirit of 'cow-folk' and blazes the trail for young buckaroos to follow. He enjoys sharing the: values; principles, truth (albeit with poetic license); and pride in cowboy and western culture.
People always ask me how did I get 'into' it? I got my start with poetic versification writing in a journal, and, concurrently writing a newsletter for an outfit I was toiling on whilst in a management role. I really can't come up with a reason for 'poeticizing' in either but it happened just the same. I'd scribbled a handful of poems about my cowboyin' experiences and while in Tombstone, Arizona in 2014 conducting a horsemanship clinic learned of The Crossroad Cowboy Poetry & Music Gathering to be held in Benson (a stones throw away). Encouraged by the present company, I tried my hand on the stage, stumbled through it and even enjoyed it (not the stumbling part). The 'family' of Cowboy Poets enlightened me to their world and mission to share experiences through poetic verse and story-telling. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend some more Cowboy Poetry Gatherings in the next few years where I again tried my hand at 'open mic' opportunities. I continued to write and present my originals while digging into the genre. I was blessed to have done well enough to elicit the attention of some promoters and I plan to continue on the trail of writin' and recitin'. I am honored to be a contributor and always pleased when my performance or writing connects with someone.
Excerpt from NY Horse Magazine feature article: Cowboy is a ‘state of heart and mind’
“The lights dim. Mark Munzert leads the audience in the opening bars of Amazing Grace, leans against a saddle, and in a voice that is equal parts grizzly and honey, begins the tale of a cowboy’s funeral.
Now, as we’re at the marker and
they’re lowerin’ him to ground
Some commotion on behind
an’ heads swivel all around
His Grandson, with a lead line,
Attached to Grandad’s horse
T’aint a proper burial without
your best friend of course.
In 24 lines, as the closing words hang in the quiet, there isn’t a dry eye in the house.” - Janis Barth
Mark is an ardent preserver and promoter of cowboy and western culture in everyday actions as well as the Trail Boss of 'Cowboy Poetry' (12,500+ member Facebook Group) and current Board Director for the International Western Music Association, and President of the Western Wordsmiths Chapter. Mark captures and shares that which embodies the spirit of 'cow-folk' and blazes the trail for young buckaroos to follow. He enjoys sharing the: values; principles, truth (albeit with poetic license); and pride in cowboy and western culture.
People always ask me how did I get 'into' it? I got my start with poetic versification writing in a journal, and, concurrently writing a newsletter for an outfit I was toiling on whilst in a management role. I really can't come up with a reason for 'poeticizing' in either but it happened just the same. I'd scribbled a handful of poems about my cowboyin' experiences and while in Tombstone, Arizona in 2014 conducting a horsemanship clinic learned of The Crossroad Cowboy Poetry & Music Gathering to be held in Benson (a stones throw away). Encouraged by the present company, I tried my hand on the stage, stumbled through it and even enjoyed it (not the stumbling part). The 'family' of Cowboy Poets enlightened me to their world and mission to share experiences through poetic verse and story-telling. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend some more Cowboy Poetry Gatherings in the next few years where I again tried my hand at 'open mic' opportunities. I continued to write and present my originals while digging into the genre. I was blessed to have done well enough to elicit the attention of some promoters and I plan to continue on the trail of writin' and recitin'. I am honored to be a contributor and always pleased when my performance or writing connects with someone.
Excerpt from NY Horse Magazine feature article: Cowboy is a ‘state of heart and mind’
“The lights dim. Mark Munzert leads the audience in the opening bars of Amazing Grace, leans against a saddle, and in a voice that is equal parts grizzly and honey, begins the tale of a cowboy’s funeral.
Now, as we’re at the marker and
they’re lowerin’ him to ground
Some commotion on behind
an’ heads swivel all around
His Grandson, with a lead line,
Attached to Grandad’s horse
T’aint a proper burial without
your best friend of course.
In 24 lines, as the closing words hang in the quiet, there isn’t a dry eye in the house.” - Janis Barth